Sunday 12 May 2024

So many books


Coloured the image with colour pencil and Copic, fussy cut out with scissors. Stamp classic text sentiment background stamp onto white cardstock. Adhere the image and added a snippet of washi tape to ground the girl sitting image.


  1. Allsorts Challenge Week #780 - spots and stripes
  2. Snippets Playground - Challenge #480
By the way, pop by Allsorts next week for their special 15th birthday celebration challenge with wonderful prizes for the lucky participants.


  1. Sweet card - especially for a book lover.

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. X

  2. This is really cute and would make a great bookmark. Thanks so much for sharing at Allsorts challenge!

  3. Thank you for joining us at Allsorts, but afraid your entry has been flagged up by the team as being ineligible as you have failed to provide details of the products use which are a requirement in our rules.

    I do hope you received my mail of 25th April, was't sure as you didn't reply, can send again if necessary?

    B x

  4. So cute - a perfect bookmark!

    Di xx
